Among all the horror games, some really terrify. Not because the player believes what the game's plot is about. But because these games are made in impressive graphics that look so realistic that goosebumps go.
The ghost is the most popular hero in horror games
Not only in ghost games, but also in works of literature, in movies, ghosts have always been one of the most popular characters.
Directors and writers enjoyed fantasizing about ghosts. This interest in the other world has not spared the developers of online games. The result is a whole section of ghost games, in which users have the opportunity to meet terrible ghosts, from the sight of which their hearts sink. But there will also be an opportunity to meet very cute and cute ghosts that are easy to make friends with.
The most famous ghosts in ghost games
There are many celebrities among the characters in ghost games. These are such ghosts that have become widely known thanks to films or cartoons in which they were the main characters.
This is Danny the ghost from Nickelodeon and many others.
But most of all, children all over the world love the kind ghost Casper, who was the hero of the famous cartoon, and then became popular in the role of comic book heroes.
A lot of ghost games are dedicated to the team of dashing guys from the animated series "Real Ghostbusters". As soon as the cartoon about them came out on the screens, their fame spread far beyond TV. In this show, a character was a ghost. But he was remembered by the audience as one of the cutest and most charming ghosts - this is Lizun.
Many ghost games are based on the Scooby-Doo story, which featured many interesting ghosts and ghosts.
Many ghost games are based on the cartoon "Coraline in the land of nightmares". The character of this cartoon is the girl Coraline, who is herself a ghost.
Do ghosts really exist?
Believing in the existence of ghosts or not is everyone's personal business. It is generally accepted that not all people can see ghosts. It is believed that for this you need to be a medium or psychic.
But in ghost games, literally everyone has the opportunity to meet a ghost, and even play with him.
Because online ghost games is a fun and addictive activity that will help you make friends with ghosts and find many different activities.
Ghosts are very fond of adventures and quests, which is why there are so many quests and logic puzzles among ghost games. Ghost games also love labyrinths, so be prepared for the fact that you will have to hunt for ghosts on flat terrain, in tangled corridors.
It will be interesting for you to know that ghosts often live in old abandoned houses. Therefore, a lot of ghost games take place in a haunted house. And the forest is also a favorite habitat for ghosts. The ghosts in these games are not scary at all.