This category contains games in which the player has to arrange an explosion or a whole series of explosions. Also, the player will need to use an explosion to destroy some structure or building, to free the passage or to destroy the army of enemies.
Explosion romance in explosion games
An explosion is dangerous and destructive. But it is also very beautiful, because an explosion is a huge amount of smoke, fire and sound.
What is an explosion? The essence of an explosion is a physical and chemical process that releases a certain amount of energy in a short time, resulting in impacts on the environment through shock, vibration and heat, as the explosion products expand at a very high speed.
Explosion as a process underlies many technologies in the field of military affairs, construction, and science.
Peaceful and destructive explosion
In order to arrange an explosion, you must be an expert in chemistry and physics and have special reagents available.
Specialists who know how to arrange explosions apply their skills both in the industrial direction and in the military.
Peaceful explosions serve people. With the help of explosions, humanity develops technology. In construction, old dilapidated buildings are demolished and destroyed by explosions, making room for new houses. There are no human casualties in peaceful explosions, but the same cannot be said for destructive explosions.
Destructive explosions, which are used in military affairs, can destroy a huge number of people and wipe out entire cities from the face of the earth. Destructive explosions are dangerous and unacceptable if they are not used for protection.
In the category explosion games, you can find both peaceful explosions and destructive ones. It depends on which genre of the game the player chooses.
What explosion games do we have?
If you are interested in the field of explosion games, then you can choose a genre in which explosions are used to build or blaze a path. In these games, a special man or bomber man sets bombs in certain places, and these bombs explode at the right time.
With the help of such explosions, the bomber man can make his way, destroy obstacles or destroy the enemy.
In the section explosion games you can also find arcade games, interesting puzzles and logic games in which you need to think carefully in order to figure out where to place the bomb in order for the explosion to reach its goal.
Also among games you can find interesting quests, war games, strategies and battles. In order to win the battle with the help of explosions, it is necessary to properly plan the course of the battle so that the casualties from the explosion are minimal.
The heroes of explosion games can be heroes of military battles, soldiers, and cartoon characters or just graphic men who will perform the main actions in the game. The history of explosion games goes back to the very first games that were installed in slot machines, so there is a large section of retro games that have their own army of fans.